Sunday, March 28, 2010

Short y Sweet: TAXES

I only have two things to say about this.

We all did bad this year, so if they are not expecting a huge amount of () in their schedule C's and 1040's then the IRS isn't just greedy, they are stupid as well.

If you make less than $25,000 a year: Learn to do your own taxes (see library posting above) Paying someone to tell you how much to pay someone else is just fucking stupid. Also, don't let a friend do it. It is your money and you have very little of it (if any at all, if you are reading this blog) know what the fuck is going on with yet. True you are gonna get raped every year, at least know why you're getting raped and who's doing it.

This is actually the one financial area in the US where the rich have the most to lose. Yes, you may fall into a riskier category, but who would you go after: the guy with nothing or the guy with six figures? Audits cost money and only about 5% of the people filing get hit(some say 1% but I think that's a lie). If the IRS went for only the people they could get the minimum out of their profit would be marginalized.

I liked the linked article below about who gets audited, true the author leaves out that the IRS can, with very little effort, destroy the life of anyone it touches without rhyme, reason or proof, but it may set your mind a little more at ease:

Ten Red Flags

Of course, as I am typing this I am thinking in the back of my head: "Hey I had a couple of these red flags. They may nail my ass by the time anyone reads this post." But such is the way of things, I got really nothing they could take, but if they want to take the time to burn me out, I will be sure to document it, in full, to all my lovely readers and we will see another realm in the world of fiscal domination.

Good night, readers, and remember your selective stress, financial terror and eventual hope or demise will be randomly selected by a computer that is being controlled by the most hated people on the earth... sleep well.

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